Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Keep Praying for their PRECIOUS SOLDIER

Dan's flight was cancelled (mechanical problems with plane). They flew the other soldier (SSG Robertson) to US on Sunday (I am glad for his family). This is sooooo hard on family! It has been a week. The army THOUGHT they would get him to Germany right away, and then they THOUGHT he would only be there a COUPLE OF DAYS, and then he would be in the US. But things didn't happen that way. And Bev and Roy have been waiting and waiting to see their son, instead of going on to Germany. We do not mean to complain too much, for we are VERY THANKFUL that they are going to see their son, one day, just not as soon as hoped. We just hurt for them. I know she wants to be with him. I know it feels like he is alone, even though he is surrounded by nurses and Drs. But even more than that, he is surrounded by God's love and his family's love, love that no ocean can seperate, nor keep from him. And he is surrouned by lots of prayers!

Bev's title to her (edited) email from Monday was "To stay or not to stay".
The title says it all.....Dan's flight home tomorrow has been delayed. It seems there are mechanical problems with the plane. His new departure date is Wed....maybe.... I'd like to just jump on a plane and head over there, but just as sure as I would, then we would cross paths in the air. It's hard to be patient....

I did talk to Dan this morning. He had just gotten out of OR again (another procedure?). He was in quite a bit of pain. I'm not sure what procedure they did this morning...so don't have many details other than he said his right leg was numb and he was sweating profusely...He sounded very uncomfortable. But the nurses were there attending to him. I just have to trust that they were able to stabilize the situation.


At 1:19 AM, Blogger Barry said...

Travel - and even military travel from some of these places is not as automatic as many people think. Sometimes there are all sorts of thisngs that delay these flights.

I am not sure if he didn't fly because of the medical proceedure, or they did it there because he couldn't fly - It has to be hard, not knowing which is best - to wait of to go. You would hate to fly to Germany to only just miss him.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Jana said...

Hi - I found you through your husband who left a comment on my blog. I'm a mom of four boys, homeschooling the older two right now.

I will say a prayer for Dan and his family.

At 12:28 AM, Blogger connie said...

Jana,Thank you for the prayers. They are much needed and appreciated.
I've homeschooled since the 80's and Bev just sent her last homeschooled one off to college.

Barry, yea, I know it is always complicated with the military. So many things we don't see or know.

And Bev, God has given you such strong faith, yet I know your heart yearns to see your son. May God build Dan's faith and healing as he is waiting to come to the US.


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