Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bev's Dan is an out- patient...Prayers work

Daniel is now an out patient at the Md hospital. He is staying with his mother, Beverly, at a hotel ( the rooms at the base, for the families, are full). He is healing well. The leg has been cast, and the stitches were taken out of the legs. He had many surgeries on the foot. As of now, all toes are still there. The fourth toe may have some pink returning (it is the main concern). The rest are looking good. They can't cast the foot until the stitches are taken out of the toes, which may happen Nov. 2. There is some concern about the head injury. It was noted in Germany about the concern, and some thing got "shuffled" in the paper work, and nothing had really been done about it. It did injure the brain slightly, so they have him on seizure medication. And they are waiting on an appt with a neurologist, etc. Your prayers are a part of his healing, and they are so thankful. They have also thanked me for the notes and emails. Continued prayers for healing and strength are so much appreciated, because they are answered by God.
Now you may wonder where is Dan in this pic (the little one is my oldest, then me, then Bev). I'll give you a hint. If I remember correctly, he was a little past the stage of the "twinkle" in her eye. We were in Colorado,camping, and it was my first introduction to Daniel(although we didn't know he was a Daniel, yet). Hey Dan!


At 12:34 AM, Blogger connie said...

I tried to get this info out earlier this afternoon, blog said error, wouldn't post it. Then I tried again this evening, still said error. So I tried later, and it said error and then put up 5 post! So here's the info...down to 1 post, and I wanted to thank all who've been praying and ask you to keep praying.

At 12:41 AM, Blogger connie said...

Also, don't forget all the soldiers an civilians over in Afghanistan and Iraq, that are trying to help bring peace and protection to these people while they are there.

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Barry said...

blogger has been giving me fits - I cant seem to post any pics

At 12:55 AM, Blogger connie said...

I'm glad y'all are finally on base, Bev. That is so nice for all that to be there for the families and soldiers. You need all those blessings form God.


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