Tuesday, October 17, 2006

They're all together ..and don't you just love puppies

The Peters family made it to Md Saturday night. I can only imagine the joy the family felt. As of Monday, they were casting the bones in the foot and leg (every time the Drs went in surgery to remove toes, they ended up leaving them! so hopefully that means all toes stay). God moved some mountains to get the family to Daniel. Know they are all VERY thankful for the prayers. It will be a long, painful recovery for Daniel, so keep the prayers going. Our God is sooo faithful!

On another note...this is a pic of Rascal,from long, long, ago. I do believe Barry named him. I love puppies! They have so much expression in their whole body. They are like toddlers, always exploring, wanting love, putting everything into the mouth, getting into things, suddenly crashing and falling asleep. They are a handful. But if you train them, when they are young, they make such wonderful companions as adults. It reminds me of the Proverbs 22:16 verse "Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Now sometimes for people, it seems like the "old" part can be VERY old before they decide they will not depart from it. It is much easier to train a puppy(ok, not AS rewarding as your children, but sometimes more loveable..when all you have is teenage boys..haha). When a puppy loves you, he wants to please you. So when he finally understands what you want, he will do it. Dachshunds are very smart and brave dogs. Books explain that is one of the reason they can go down into holes and fight badgers (without a master constantly giving commands; they can think for themselves). It can make it easy for training; it can also make it difficult for training. But if you train them, you will not be sorry. They are the best!
And don't forget to have some fun and love on them when you are training them!


At 2:09 PM, Blogger connie said...

Thursday Morn, Dan had another surgery to put permanent pins, etc in his toes, feet, etc. The fourth toe has gangrene, but the doctors have him on different anitbiotics and said time will tell if the toe will stay. He might be out of the hospital in a couple of weeks! Keep the prayers going.

At 2:04 AM, Blogger Barry said...

It is good they were all able to get together. It is also good that (it seems) he keeps his toes.

I don't remember who named Rascal - I do remember he 'earned' the name.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger connie said...

Ok , if something strange happens, like a bunch of the same blogs pop up...it it this blog thing that is doing some error. I am trying to post a new, and it won't let me. Yet, it shows them posted on my page to edit...go figure. I'll try again a third time later.


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