Friday, November 24, 2006

What's the favorite position for a Dachshund?

First it depends if there is food around. Then the sitting up on the rear is one of their favorites... to beg, of course. In the middle of your lap is another good one, or how about laying back in your arms, like a baby? If they can manage it, under the covers is always good. But my not-so-little female, Precious, loves to lay on her back, at this period of time. She thinks that means you HAVE to stop and rub her belly. And if you get a good look at her, you can tell she's going to pop soon.

Yep, she went into heat not long after my neck surgery. Anybody that's ever been around a dog in heat, knows how obnoxious it gets. It was not a fun or easy time for me! The boys and I kept yelling, "Go outside!!!!" And the dogs knew exactly what we meant. For those of you not having been around such things.......think of the obnoxious men and prostitutes in the red light districts. Yep, it's that ridiculous. But at least the dogs have an excuse; they can't control themselves. So my kids have grown up around raising chickens and dogs, and have grown up with the facts of life. At least it only last 3 weeks, 2x (or less) a year for a dog. Then we get to have PUPPIES!!!!!

But the love and devotion that a dachshund gives, far outway those few weeks of yelling, "Go outside!!!" So here's Charlie, and a pic of us together.

So those who have anything to say about me being old, fat, ugly, etc (because it's been said) Here's what I have to say....hahahaha, duhh.....geeze, I am 50! I've lived my life serving my Savior and my family the best I could, with what I had. You can judge me all you want , but you haven't lived my life, nor have you lived with my severe pain. And I wouldn't trade one moment of all the days I spent with my children, for another life. And now I have hope of being able to walk more than a block at a time, and walk I will...... the Lord willin' and the creek don't rise.

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What a Homecoming! God Bless you , Dan!

The DAR asked Dan to ride in the parade as their guest of honor...for Verteran's Day.

There's his dad beside him in the truck.
And His dear Aunt is holding a poster showing her support and love! What a whirlwind weekend it must have been. I know y'all will take good care of Daniel . Keep the prayers going! And don't forget Bev, who has been taking care of her precious family.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


I am so happy for this special family! God bless you and all the soldiers and people who are and have been in Iraq and Afghanistan, helping others and protecting us.(this pic of little Dan was taken 10/89 at Lake Sommerville, Tx; the other pic is from the news video) Bev's note:
We finally made it home today just in time for Veteran's Day! How fitting, right???!!!
I hope you can view the link below. We were surprised by friends from church and the home school group...It was a very good day....
Thanks everyone, Bev and family

Daniel's Homecoming

Friday, November 03, 2006

Barry & Roy & Guitars

OK, so this is just a "had to" Post, after Bev commented on Barry's Baghdad Blog, about the old guitar we gave Roy. Well here are the two old guys playing the guitars, only they weren't old at the time, 1981. It shouldn't be hard to guess who Barry is. And if anyone says anything about the furniture...BARRY PICKED IT OUT!!!!! Oh the things a young wife will give in to. HAHA. But, that was nothing compared to the "Hello Yellow" kitchen (that NEVER lost any hint of color) I came home to and the "Blue Room".