Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dachshunds love to travel

I've never known a dachshund that didn't love to go on a trip. Maybe the first few car rides scare them. But after that, you have to come up with secret codes to keep them from figuring out that you are leaving the house. And you have to keep changing the code, because it doesn't take them long to figure it out! They definately know what the suitcases mean. My parents had a dachshund that lived for 16 years. I wished we had added up all the words that dog understood. A few years back, I took my sons, and our dog, on a long trip (from Texas to the Great Lakes, Maine, across to Washington, down to California, and back to Texas). This pic is of our very loved dog named Minnie. We were at Lake Michigan at the Indiana Dunes. Everywhere we went, people wanted to take pics of her and pet her. She was my first long haired mini dachshund, and holds a very special place in my heart.
On another note. I went for my 3 week check up, and my bone graft is almost 100% already, so I can take my brace off! I'm still not suppose to turn my head, etc, or lift anything. But I am progressing very well. Thanks for the prayers.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wow the big 50!

Wow, I had my 50th bithday, and I think it was one of my nicest birthdays, even if I didn't look so great(this, not so great pic, gives an idea of what the brace looks like, that I wear 24/7). My friends and Sunday school class came over for a short time with red roses and lots of gifts, a beautiful bithday cake (with 25 candles that looked like it was going to catch the cake on fire haha), and of course goodies to eat. We ate, laughed, and prayed for each other. Then they left before they tired me out.
They said my face looked so much more relaxed (which is what someone else told me), something not expected so soon after surgery. But I guess having the pressure off the spinal chord already shows. Another early pleasant suprise is the sleeping. The info said it would be diffcult to find a comfortable position to sleep, with the brace on. But I've slept better than I have in years! I guess because the neck is so much better. So I'm feeling stonger every day, and my dogs are still very protective of me. We had to put my male dog in the kennel, when the company came, because he got so ugly when they came near me. He had been ok when just 1 or 2 visitors came. But when the house got full, he decided that was just too much! Poor boy. He even growled at my son when C took him out of my lap to kennel him.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

dachshunds and recovery

This is just a pic of one of my pups.
When the boys came home from the hospital without mom, they had a time calming down the dogs. Since coming home, when I venture out my room, the dogs don't like to leave my side. They are like little children. They don't want anyone else's lap, but mom's. But my activity is still very restrictive, and they have been very calm around me. With 2 vertebre removed (of course bone graft and plate put in place), I'll have this brace to wear for a few weeks. Dachshunds are amazingly sensitive to people when they are hurt or sick. It is a wonder to watch them respond. They have not jumped up once toward my face. My sons are a tremendous help, and the friends from church and family have been been bringing over food to keep us well fed. Thanks to all for your help and your prayers.