Lonely Dachshunds, Bulgaria pic
I think my poor babies were sure I really did abandon them. First it was gone all day at the hospital, then it was just GONE! You can explain a trip to children, but not to dogs. A 10 day trip to Bulgaria, and I'm back. At least they had one son here to take care of them (but his lap is not nearly as compfy as mine). Ohh the whining and jumping when I came home! Then they ran staight to the dog milkbone box for a treat..haha! My son did just fine. I don't think he missed me any (I don't think they're allowed to miss mom at that age).
Bulgaria is beautiful, the people are fantastic and very family oriented. It is a shame that some people go there to just use people. The food is wonderful, except I am not a cheese and cucumber person ...and boy do they love cheese and cucumbers!!!! But there was plenty of other WONDERFUL food to eat. We had a group of college students, most getting degrees in tourism, that led us around for a few days. They were fantastic and really "made the trip."
Labels: Bulgaria, lonely dachshunds
Words no one wants to hear, especially when it's your son. But 4 days of ICU (5 total in the hospital) and he was out! He had Bi-lateral pneumonia, with viral and bacterial infection ( staph warneri, a strain that they had NEVER seen in the lungs before...yep they had to call the infectious desease center) and hypoxia (not enough oxygen in blood). He was one sick kid. But he kept telling me he was feeling better (he's 17). I finally threatened to drag him to the Dr, even if it broke my back, and the next morning he said he was ready to go see a Dr. His dad was in from Iraq, so he took him. Dad stayed the nights, and I stayed the days and evenings. Somehow, sitting around in ICU all day tires you out. Go figure. That was in May. His check up showed the lungs all clear!! Thank the Lord. I'm so glad God prompted us to get him in there and for the medicines we have.
After he got out of the hospital, I had to prepare for a trip. I was leaving for Bulgaria with a group, and it was not easy getting ready to leave, so soon after he'd been in the hospital. But the good X-ray report helped ease my mind some, and he was surrounded with grandparents and an aunt that kept a good eye on him (awe shucks....he thought, probably...haha).
So I am very thankful to our healing God and for all the people who prayed for my son during all this and while I was in Bulgaria.
As for my poor dachshunds.....I think they felt abandoned! Poor babies. But as soon as I would sit down, they were there to jump in my lap, curl up in a ball, with hopes that I would sit long enough for them to take a nap.
Labels: hospital, hypoxia, ICU, pneumonia, staph warneri, thank God